• CaviCide™ HP

    An alcohol-free, ready-to-use hydrogen peroxide surface disinfectant with a convenient 1-minute universal contact time for 70 pathogens.

  • CaviWipes™ HP

    A high performance disinfection protocol and an effective 1-minute universal contact time from an alcohol-free hydrogen peroxide formulation.

  • CaviWipes™ 2.0

    The next generation of CaviWipes that is effective against over 40 pathogens in 2 minutes, strong efficacy claims with great materials compatibility.

  • CaviWipes™ Bleach

    Demonstrates effectiveness against over 40 relevant microorganisms. 1:10 Bleach dilution. No PPE required.

  • CaviWipes™

    3 Minute cleaner and disinfectant. Made of durable non-woven towelettes that offer quick easy-to-use convenience.

  • CaviWipes1™

    Multi-purpose one step cleaner and disinfectant wipe to be used on hard non-porous surfaces with a one minute contact time to help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

  • CaviCide™

    Convenient, ready-to-use surface disinfectant with a 3 minute kill time. Effectively cleans and disinfects non-critical instrumentation and equipment.

  • CaviCide1™

    Fast and effective one step cleaner and disinfectant available in multiple configurations to help reduce the risk of cross-contamination with a 1 minute contact time.