Education at your fingertips. Our webinars are on-demand for you to watch on your own time. CE credits are offered with selective webinar offerings.
Clostridioides difficile: Flush the Myths and Get the Facts
Let’s review what we know about Clostridioides difficile, focusing on the facts. We’ll learn how important it is to identify it, and what can be done to stop transmissions.
What's the point of Point-of-Use Cleaning?
Let’s learn what point of use cleaning is and how it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of decontamination, helping to prevent the formation of harmful microbial biofilms.
The FYI on IFUs
Let's discuss the challenges faced by healthcare facilities in achieving cleaning and disinfection compliance for medical devices in the environment of care requiring low and intermediate-level disinfection.
Wipe on the Wall
Let's learn how to select surface disinfect wipes by focusing on how disinfectants affect different groups of organisms. We’ll take a look at basic microbiology to learn about the similarities and differences in organism groups to help better understand the “Spaulding Hierarchy of Organism Resistance to Disinfectants“.
COVID-19: The Unforeseen Impact on Healthcare in the United States
The year 2020 marked an unprecedented time for hospitals, many of which were faced with extraordinary circumstances of increased patient caseload, staffing challenges, and other operational changes that limited the implementation and effectiveness of standard infection prevention practices, which are key to reducing antimicrobial-resistant infections and their spread.